The goal of the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST Forum) is to meet the growing importance of IT Security in all branches of business and areas of public administration, and to further develop this importance. One of the Forum's tasks is to promote innovative security solutions that will affect the European market, as well as educating about IT Security for all careers and areas of activity. In this connection, the promotion and support of education is of particular importance.
The members of the CAST Form would like to promote innovations with the CAST Award and award exceptional work in the field of IT Security. The prize is awarded in two different categories:
The award comittee chose the eight best papers from the submissions, which were then presented during the course of a Next Generation Day at Fraunhofer IGD on 18 November 2004. The papers contained innovative ideas, concepts and implementations in the field of IT Security. Prize money in the amount of 18,000 euros were awarded.
The CAST Award 2004 was under the patronage of Dr. Udo Helmbrecht, President oft he Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Office for Information Security - BSI). Dr. Helmbrech presented the awards personally.
The Initiative Security For Business donated the first prize in the category Students, 4000 euros, which was awarded to Ulrich Wölfel.
Category Apprentices* | |
1st Place (3500 euros) | Eleftherios Kalergis, MAN AG Planung und Aufbau eines Honeynet Grundsystems für eine Machbarkeitsstudie und Trainingszwecke |
1st Place (3500 euros) | Daniel Kuhlmann, Fraunhofer SIT Realisierung einer high-secure Windows 2003 Umgebung in Form eines Testlabors |
Category Students | |
1st Place (4000 euros) | Ulrich Wölfel, Uni Lübeck / BSI Untersuchung zur Strukturbeschreibung von Mengen digitaler Bilder durch Ähnlichkeitsmaße |
2nd Place (3000 euros) | Ralf Weinmann, TUD Evaluating Algebraic Attacks on the AES |
3rd Place (2000 euros) | Camille Vuillaume, Ecole Centrale de Lyon / TUD Side Channel Attacks on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems |
4th Place | Holger Grandy, Uni Augsburg Beweisbare Sicherheit mobiler Java-Anwendungen |
5th Place | Thilo-Alexander Ginkel, TUD Entwurf und Implementierung eines Authentifikations-Proxys für das World Wide Web |
6th Place | Anne-Kathrin Walter, Uni Bremen Klassifikation und Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Bedrohungs- und Risikoanalyse für IT-Systeme |
* Due to an tie in the number of votes, two first places were awarded and the prize money as divided equally.
The winners of the awards were decided on by secret ballot by the present members of the CAST Forum.
The participants in the CAST Award 2004 with the directors of CAST e.V. (l. to r.): Ralf Weinmann, Thilo-Alexander Ginkel, Anne-Kathrin Walter, Camille Vuillaume, Holger Grandy, Daniel Kuhlmann, Eleftherios Kalergis, Ulrich Wölfel, Bernd Donabauer (back row); Dr. Wolfgang Böhmer, Dr. Rolf Reinema, Prof. Dr. Johannes Buchmann, Dr. Gerhard Schabhüser, Dr. Christoph Busch, Prof. Dr. Harald Baier (front row).
Dr. Udo Helmbrecht (President of the BSI) awards Ulrich Wölfel (left) the first prize in the category Students.
The winners in the category Apprentices during their presentations: Daniel Kuhlmann (left) und Eleftherios Kalergis.
Impressions of the event: Mr. Zimmermann (Initiative Security For Business) congratulates the winners in the category Students (top left), the visitors wait for the winners to be announced, group photo of the winners (bottom).
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