The goal of the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST Forum) is to meet the growing importance of IT Security in all branches of business and areas of public administration, and to further develop this importance. One of the Forum's tasks is to promote innovative security solutions that will affect the European market, as well as educating about IT Security for all careers and areas of activity. In this connection, the promotion and support of education is of particular importance.
The members of the CAST Form would like to promote innovations with the CAST Award and award exceptional work in the field of IT Security. The award is being conferred for the second time. Students and apprentices in all German universities and companies are eligible to enter. Papers considered are final papers or diploma theses written and completed between January 2001 and August 2002.
The award comittee chose the ten best papers from the submissions, which were then presented during the course of a Next Generation Day at Fraunhofer IGD on 21 November 2002. The papers contained innovative ideas, concepts and implementations in the field of IT Security. Prize money in the amount of 18,000 euros were awarded.
Text of the welcoming speech by District President Gerold Deike (transcript of the speech, in German)
All candidates and the managing directors oft he CAST Forum (l. to r.): Lobisch, Noffke, von Schwedler, Varvelli, Ebinger, Rothmaier, Aijaz, Schwalm, Madlener, Frisch, Ruppert, Busch, Donabauer.
1st Place (8000 euros) | Felix Madlener, TU Darmstadt FPGA based Hardware Acceleration for Elliptic Curve Cryptography based on GF (2n) |
2nd Place (6000 euros) | Gerrit Rothmaier, Uni Dortmund Modellbasiertes Sicherheitsmanagement: Abstrakte Anforderungen, Vertrauensbereiche und Konfiguration der Sicherheitsdienste |
3rd Place (4000 euros) | Oliver Lobisch, FH Darmstadt Verbesserung der Robustheit von Wasserzeichen in Audiodaten |
4th Place* | Amer Aijaz, Uni Stuttgart Kostengünstige Paketurheberverifizierung für Zugangsrouter |
Peter Ebinger, Uni Karlsruhe Konzeption und prototypische Implementierung einer Infrastruktur zum zertifikatsbasierten Privilegien-Management |
Matthias Frisch, TU Berlin Rechnergestützte Ausführung von Arbeitsprozessen eines Corporate Information Security Oficer - Computergestütztes IT-Sicherheitsmanagement |
Nicolas Noffke, FU Berlin Entwurf und Implementierung eines Rollendienstes fcr die Zugriffskontrolle in CORBA |
Stefan Schwalm, TU Darmstadt Entwicklung von Sicherheitsprotokollen und neuen Mechanismen für Application Service Providing (ASP) mit mobilen Endgeräten |
Guilio Varvelli, FH Giessen Friedberg Aspekte zur Sicherheit in sprachbasierten biometrischen Sicherheitssystemen |
Moritz von Schwedler, FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg Klassifikation und Bewertung von Angriffs- und Evaluierungsmodellen zur Entwicklung einer Methodologie für Penetrationstests |
* in alphabetical order
The winners of the awards were decided on by secret ballot by the present members of the CAST Forum.
The winners at the awards ceremony (l. to r.): Gerold Dieke (District President of Darmstadt), Oliver Lobisch (3rd Place), Gerrit Rothmaier (2nd Place), Felix Madlener (1st Place), Christoph Busch (CAST Forum), Markus Ruppert (CAST Forum), Bernd Donabauer (CAST Forum).