CAST Award IT Security 2003

The goal of the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST Forum) is to meet the growing importance of IT Security in all branches of business and areas of public administration, and to further develop this importance. One of the Forum's tasks is to promote innovative security solutions that will affect the European market, as well as educating about IT Security for all careers and areas of activity. In this connection, the promotion and support of education is of particular importance.

The members of the CAST Form would like to promote innovations with the CAST Award and award exceptional work in the field of IT Security. The award is being conferred for the third time. For the first time, the prize will be awarded in two different categories:

  1. Apprentices: Final papers by apprentices in IT careers
  2. Students: Final papers or diploma theses by students at vocational universities, technical colleges or universities.

The award comittee chose the eight best papers from the submissions, which were then presented during the course of a Next Generation Day at Fraunhofer IGD on 20 November 2003. The papers contained innovative ideas, concepts and implementations in the field of IT Security. Prize money in the amount of 18,000 euros were awarded.

Text from the awards ceremony speech by State Secretary Harald Lemke (transcript of the speech, in German)

Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmer

All candidates, together with the managing directors of the CAST Forum

Die Gewinner des CAST-Förderpreises IT-Sicherheit 2003

Category Apprentices
1st Place (4000 euros) Ingo Rohlfs, Fraunhofer SIT
Installation eines Intrusion Detection Systems
2nd Place (3000 euros) Thomas Corell, Fraunhofer IGD
Autorisierung von OnlineTickets
3rd Place (2000 euros) Sascha Osdoba, Diginet GmbH
Aufbau einer Domäne und Einrichtung zentraler Dienste sowie Anbindung an das Internet auf Basis Freier Software
Category Students
1st Place (4000 euros) Makus Rohe, Universität des Saarlandes
RANDy - Ein auf radioaktivem Zerfall beruhender Generator von echten Zufallszahlen
2nd Place (3000 euros) Ingo Riedel, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Security in Ad-hoc Networks: Protocols and Elliptic Curve Cryptography on an Embedded Platform
3rd Place (2000 euros) Nima Barraci, Sven Becker, TUD-ISS
Integration des Kryptoprozessors ECP in den Java-basierten FlexiECProvider
4th Place Jan Blumenstein, FH Darmstadt
Methoden und Werkzeuge für Angriffe auf die digitale Signatur
5th Place Jens Zörkler, TUD-CDC
Einführung einer Public-Key-Infrastruktur in einer Universität

The winners of the awards were decided on by secret ballot by the present members of the CAST Forum.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann-Dietrich Wörner

The president of the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johann-Dietrich Wörner, gives a welcoming speech.

Gruppenfoto der Preisträger

The winners at the awards ceremony with State Secretary Harald Lemke (left)

Upcoming CAST Events

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KI und Cybersicherheit 03.07.2025
Regularien 04.09.2025
24th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2025) 25.-26.09.2025
Quantentechnologie und Quantencomputer-resistente Sicherheit 23.10.2025
Cybersicherheit für den Mittelstand 20.11.2025
ID:SMART 2026 Konferenz 18.-19.02.2026

CAST partnerships

Webpräsenz der Allianz für Cyber- Sicherheit Nationales Forschungs­zentrum für angewandte Cyber­sicher­heit ATHENE Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Fraunhofer Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie Technische Universität Darmstadt Hochschule Darmstadt Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. IT4WORK - Kompetenznetz virtuelle Arbeitswelten Software-Cluster TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.