
Benefits of a CAST membership

The membership within the CAST-Forum has a range of attractive advantages for your institution or company:

  • The membership gives you entrance into an established network of competence.
  • As a CAST member you profit from good contacts and a postive exchange of ideas between the members.
  • Members can directly influence the CAST-Forum over the plenary meeting.

Costs of a CAST membership

CAST members pay an annual fee of 50,- € (EUR). There is no VAT in the fees.

Benefits of a CAST service package

  • As an owner of a CAST service package all members of your institution/company may attend CAST workshops for a reduced registration fee (50%)
  • Employees receive further discounts when participating in a selection of events organized by other CAST members.

The following institutions are giving owners of the CAST service package a cut in price for their own services:

Costs of a CAST service package

The annual fee for a service package depends on the legal form and size of your institution/company.

Annual Fee Legal Form
150,- € (EUR) Natural person
150,- € (EUR) Non-natural person that is mainly publically funded or non-profit.
Legal person of private sector:
150,- € (EUR) 1-20 employees
450,- € (EUR) 21-100 employees
950,- € (EUR) over 101 employees


The application form for CAST membership and/or the CAST service package is available for download as PDF-File.

Before you apply for membership please carefully read our constitution. Send us your application form if you agree with our constitution. We will confirm your membership or service package as soon as possible.

Download Membership application form


The constitution of the CAST association is available for download as PDF-File (German).

Upcoming CAST Events

hot topic "Kryptoagilität" 15.05.2025
MedCAST 25 - Sichere, digitale Transformation der Gesundheitswirtschaft 22.05.2025
KI und Cybersicherheit 03.07.2025
Regularien 04.09.2025
24th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2025) 25.-26.09.2025
Quantentechnologie und Quantencomputer-resistente Sicherheit 23.10.2025
Cybersicherheit für den Mittelstand 20.11.2025
ID:SMART 2026 Konferenz 18.-19.02.2026

CAST partnerships

Webpräsenz der Allianz für Cyber- Sicherheit Nationales Forschungs­zentrum für angewandte Cyber­sicher­heit ATHENE Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Fraunhofer Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie Technische Universität Darmstadt Hochschule Darmstadt Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. IT4WORK - Kompetenznetz virtuelle Arbeitswelten Software-Cluster TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.