10:00 | Welcome |
10:10 | |
Günter Schumacher
European Commission
European Level Activities in the Area of Biometrics
CAST Members can download the documents here.
10:30 | |
Björn Brecht
ePassports and their impact on border control
CAST Members can download the documents here.
11:00 | Break |
11:30 | |
Jean-Marc Suchier
Christoph Busch
3D-Face Project
CAST Members can download the documents here.
12:05 | |
Raymond Veldhuis
Twente University
Exploiting the 3D Feature Space
CAST Members can download the documents here.
12:50 | Lunch |
14:05 | |
Farzin Deravi
University Kent
Multibiometrics for Face Recognition
CAST Members can download the documents here.
14:35 | |
Mario Savastano
Compliance of face recogntion with jurisdictional and societal aspects
CAST Members can download the documents here.
15:05 | |
Tom Kevenaar
Template Protection for Face Recognition: From 2D to 3D
CAST Members can download the documents here.
15:35 | Break |
16:05 | |
Nicolas Delvaux
Face Texture Analysis
CAST Members can download the documents here.
16:30 | |
Wolfgang Funk
Fraunhofer IGD
Testing 3D Face Recognition Systems
CAST Members can download the documents here.
If you have any questions please contact:
Christoph Busch
Phone: +49 (0) 6151/155536
Fax: +49 (0) 6151/155499
Email: christoph.busch@cast-forum.de
Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230
Email: simone.zimmermanncast-forum.de
CAST-Förderpreis IT-Sicherheit 2024 | 05.12.2024 |
ID:SMART Workshop 2025 | 19.-20.02.2025 |