Date: | 19.-20.02.2025 |
Duration: | 09:30-15:30 |
Location: |
Fraunhofer SIT
Rheinstraße 75 64295 Darmstadt |
Day 1 (Wed, Feb 19st, 2025) | |
09:30 | Registration and Coffee |
10:00 | Opening and Welcome - Dr. Gisela Meister |
10:15 | |
Matthias Intemann
Impulse Speech
10:45 | |
Filipe Jones Mourão
Cyber Security Officer at European Commission
Camille Dornier
Legal Office at European Commission
CRA and its SR for important and critical products (remote)
Block 1 - Regulatory Aspects I - Moderatorin: Dr. Gisela Meister | |
11:15 | |
Holger Bentje
The application of the new cybersecurity requirements under the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
EN 18031-x in practice
11:45 | |
Arno Fiedler
Franziska Granc
Harmonised governmental identities in the European trust domain, just a dream?
12:15 | Lunch Break (60min) |
Block 2 - Regulatory Aspects II - Moderator: Peter Rost | |
13:15 | |
Detlef Houdeau
Markus Mösenbacher
EU eIDAS-2, LSPs (1st run), Review on PID & ODI
13:45 | |
Markus Vervier
X41 D-Sec GmbH
14:15 | |
Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt
EUDI Wallet Projekt der SPRIND GmbH
The EUDIW, Architecture and Rollout plan
14:45 | Coffee Break (15min) |
Block 3 - EUDI Wallet Applications and Use Cases - Moderator: Dr. Andreas Wolf | |
15:00 | |
Andreas Plies
Christian Stengel
Telekom Security GmbH
On challenges and advantages of mobile Identity management - EUDI wallet on mobile devices.
15:30 | |
Karsten Kochan
eHealthID for the personal health record
16:00 | Coffee Break (15min) |
16:45 | |
Wijnand Machielse
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Connecting the dots: How Harmonised Berlin Group Open Finance Standards are empowering EU Digital Identity Wallets with payments and account information services
16:15 | |
Detlef Hillen
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Possible application scenarios in the banking industry
17:15 | Hotel check-in Break |
18:30 | Dinner |
Day 2 (Thu, Feb 20nd, 2025) | |
09:45 | Welcome to the second day of the ID:SMART Workshop 2025 |
Block 4 - eIdentities - Moderator: Uwe Schnabel | |
10:00 | |
Johannes Harms, Claire Pipper, Andreas Bauer, Phillip Niemeier
Research Industrial Systems Engineering (RISE) Forschungs-, Entwicklungs-/Großprojektberatung GmbH
Securing the Future of Digital Identities: The Convergence of eID, Wallets and Confidential Computing
10:30 | |
Karsten Klohs
Challenges in Designing Mobile e-ID Eco-Systems
11:00 | |
Dr. Armin Lunkeit
Electronic Identities and Cryptography Applications in Use Cases of eJustice and eNotary Services
11:30 | Coffee Break (15min) |
Block 5 - Post Quantum Cyptopgraphy - Moderator: Detlef Kraus | |
11:45 | |
Leonie Bruckert
Post-quantum Cryptography for Classified Information
12:15 | |
Kim Nguyen
Jan Klaußner
Frank Morgner
Quantum computing and eIDAS
12:45 | |
Tim Reisach
TÜV Nord
Modern Ninjas in Ancient Times or the Impact of the EUCLEAK Attack
13:15 | Lunch Break (60min) |
Block 6 - Mobile Security - Moderator: Dr. Friedrich Tönsing | |
14:15 | |
Tim Ohlendorf
An introduction to remote attestation schemes for mobile devices
14:45 | |
Dr. Jochen Saßmannshausen
Telekom Security GmbH
Christian Stengel
Telekom Security GmbH
Enhancing Trust and Security in 5G/6G Base Stations through Secure Hardware Components - Insights from the BaseSec Project.
15:15 | Conclusions and 2025 ID:SMART Workshop announcement |
15:30 | Fingerfood |
Deadline for a registration is 09.02.2025. By registering before deadline we charge a reduced fee. We ask you to take this offer to allow best preparation of the seminar. Special conditions may be granted for students and trainees.
On registration ... | before deadline | after deadline |
registration fee for the workshop | 590,00 € | 640,00 € |
for owners of a CAST service package | 450,00 € | 500,00 € |
Public authorities | 250,00 € | 300,00 € |
Student discount | 100,00 € | 100,00 € |
All prices are incl. 7% VAT
To pay the reduced fee, you should order the CAST service package now.
If you have any questions please contact:
Members of the ID:Smart
Programme Committee
Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230
Please note that we only can accept registrations by this online form and not by our fax number.