10:00 | |
10:15 | |
Albert Zenkoff
Software AG
CAST Members can download the documents here.
10:30 | |
Rachid El Khayari
Fraunhofer SIT
Secure mobile app development - dos & donts
CAST Members can download the documents here.
11:10 | Kaffeepause |
11:30 | |
Andreas Poller
Fraunhofer SIT
Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda
GESIS Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften e.V.
"The question is whether a diagram helps at all!" - Benefits of threat modeling as part of software developement processes
CAST Members can download the documents here.
12:10 | |
Alexander Klink
Denial of service vulnerabilities in applications
CAST Members can download the documents here.
12:50 | Mittagspause |
14:00 | |
Andre Vorbach
Deutsche Telekom
Organizing secure application development at a large telco & service provider
CAST Members can download the documents here.
14:40 | |
Jörn Eichler
Fraunhofer AISEC
Skalierbare Methoden für die Entwicklung sicherer Software
CAST Members can download the documents here.
15:20 | Kaffeepause |
15:40 | |
Vladimir Shapovalov
Security aspects of interfaces development
CAST Members can download the documents here.
16:20 | |
Heiko Weber
Software AG
If you have any questions please contact:
Albert Zenkoff
Software AG
Email: albert.zenkoff@softwareag.com
Sven Türpe
Fraunhofer SIT
Email: sven.tuerpe@sit.fraunhofer.de
Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230
Email: simone.zimmermanncast-forum.de