ID:SMART Workshop 2024

Date: 21.-22.02.2024
Duration: 09:30-14:45
Location: Fraunhofer SIT
Rheinstr. 75
Darmstadt, Germany

[Logo] ID:Smart

ID:SMART Workshop is an annual face-to-face conference that fosters networking and technical updates within the European community of electronic identities, wallets, smart cards and hardware security modules (HSMs). Previously known as Smartcard-Workshop, it has been the reference event for hands-on researchers, standardization group members, decision-makers and experts from companies and government administration since 1991.

The 2024 ID:SMART edition will be held on 21-22 February, 2024 in Darmstadt, Germany. Conference language will be English, including all presentations.

This years` two-day programme will be dedicated to various regulatory aspects and basic topics on the first day and will be introduced by a keynote speech by Kai Wollenweber, who will highlight the challenges of harmonised standards and productizable regulation.

The two subsequent sessions will further address regulatory aspects and highlight the development of the EU Digital Identity Wallet within the framework of eIDAS, eID and DID regulations in selected countries, legal and technical implications of the Cyber Resiliance Act (CRA), and the challenges of securely implementing IPRs.

The first day ends with a session on the standardisation and certifiability of CSPs and explores the question of how security on smartphones can be standardised.

The second day of the workshop will take a closer look at various areas of application. Various security and standards aspects in the area of travel documents and ID use-cases in the healthcare sector will be presented. The challenges for Trusted Services Management (TSM) Systems in various application areas and a session with in-depth insights into security issues relating to PQ algorithms and DNS-Identity will round off the day.

In the evening of the first day, there will be plenty of opportunity for further technical discussions and networking. There will be sufficient food and drinks available and Helmut Scherzer will give probably an entertaining insight and outlook on further developments as an after-dinner speaker.

The Workshop Programme Committee introduces itself...


[Logo] SRC   [Logo] IBS   [Logo] secunet   [Logo] TeleTrusT Partnerveranstaltung

Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt

Information and Contact

If you have any questions please contact:


Members of the ID:Smart
Programme Committee


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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