hands-on: PKI in a nutshell

Date: 26.01.2022
Duration: 10:00-17:00
Location: Digitaler Workshop

The ID card, the passport, the electronic health card, smart meter gateways and SSL/TLS work because there is an underlying public key infrastructure (PKI). In the workshop "PKI in a nutshell", we will show the mechanisms, tools, formats and components of a PKI and how they function and work together.

The workshop uses a "bottom-up" approach. With 8 concrete openssl commands a PKI will be built up, concepts and mechanisms of a PKI will be explained based on these commands. The theoretical basics will be explained and knowledge will be imparted by means of practical examples.

The event is aimed at software developers and architects as well as system administrators who work with PKI systems. The whole event will be held in English and is limited to 25 participants.

Contents of the workshop are:

  • Security goals
  • Cryptographic methods
  • Encryption, digital signature, MAC, hash functions
  • Certificates, certificate content, extensions
  • ASN.1 representation, DER encoding, parsing of certificates, EV certificates
  • Trust models
  • Private keys
  • Security, formats, examples, conversion, smart cards/plugins
  • Revocation
  • Formats, possibilities
  • OCSP
  • Formats, examples, clients, various tools
  • Certification paths - publication
  • Examples, clients
  • SSL/TLS and tools
  • example, various tools
Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt

Information and Contact

If you have any questions please contact:


Evangelos Karatsiolis
Phone: +49 6151 8193-13


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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