Day 1 (Wed, Feb 19st, 2025) | |
09:30 | Registration and Coffee |
10:00 | Opening and Welcome - Dr. Gisela Meister |
10:15 | |
Matthias Intemann
Impulse Speech
10:45 | |
Filipe Jones Mourão
Cyber Security Officer at European Commission
Camille Dornier
Legal Office at European Commission
CRA and its SR for important and critical products (remote)
Block 1 - Regulatory Aspects I - Moderatorin: Dr. Gisela Meister | |
11:15 | |
Holger Bentje
The application of the new cybersecurity requirements under the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)
EN 18031-x in practice
11:45 | |
Arno Fiedler
Franziska Granc
Harmonised governmental identities in the European trust domain, just a dream?
12:15 | Lunch Break (60min) |
Block 2 - Regulatory Aspects II - Moderator: Peter Rost | |
13:15 | |
Detlef Houdeau
Markus Mösenbacher
EU eIDAS-2, LSPs (1st run), Review on PID & ODI
13:45 | |
Markus Vervier
X41 D-Sec GmbH
14:15 | |
Dr. Torsten Lodderstedt
EUDI Wallet Projekt der SPRIND GmbH
The EUDIW, Architecture and Rollout plan
14:45 | Coffee Break (15min) |
Block 3 - EUDI Wallet Applications and Use Cases - Moderator: Dr. Andreas Wolf | |
15:00 | |
Andreas Plies
Christian Stengel
Telekom Security GmbH
On challenges and advantages of mobile Identity management - EUDI wallet on mobile devices.
15:30 | |
Karsten Kochan
eHealthID for the personal health record
16:00 | Coffee Break (15min) |
16:45 | |
Wijnand Machielse
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Connecting the dots: How Harmonised Berlin Group Open Finance Standards are empowering EU Digital Identity Wallets with payments and account information services
16:15 | |
Detlef Hillen
SRC Security Research & Consulting GmbH
Possible application scenarios in the banking industry
17:15 | Hotel check-in Break |
18:30 | Dinner |
Day 2 (Thu, Feb 20nd, 2025) | |
09:45 | Welcome to the second day of the ID:SMART Workshop 2025 |
Block 4 - eIdentities - Moderator: Uwe Schnabel | |
10:00 | |
Johannes Harms, Claire Pipper, Andreas Bauer, Phillip Niemeier
Research Industrial Systems Engineering (RISE) Forschungs-, Entwicklungs-/Großprojektberatung GmbH
Securing the Future of Digital Identities: The Convergence of eID, Wallets and Confidential Computing
10:30 | |
Karsten Klohs
Challenges in Designing Mobile e-ID Eco-Systems
11:00 | |
Dr. Armin Lunkeit
Electronic Identities and Cryptography Applications in Use Cases of eJustice and eNotary Services
11:30 | Coffee Break (15min) |
Block 5 - Post Quantum Cyptopgraphy - Moderator: Detlef Kraus | |
11:45 | |
Leonie Bruckert
Post-quantum Cryptography for Classified Information
12:15 | |
Kim Nguyen
Jan Klaußner
Frank Morgner
Quantum computing and eIDAS
12:45 | |
Tim Reisach
TÜV Nord
Modern Ninjas in Ancient Times or the Impact of the EUCLEAK Attack
13:15 | Lunch Break (60min) |
Block 6 - Mobile Security - Moderator: Dr. Friedrich Tönsing | |
14:15 | |
Tim Ohlendorf
An introduction to remote attestation schemes for mobile devices
14:45 | |
Dr. Jochen Saßmannshausen
Telekom Security GmbH
Christian Stengel
Telekom Security GmbH
Enhancing Trust and Security in 5G/6G Base Stations through Secure Hardware Components - Insights from the BaseSec Project.
15:15 | Conclusions and 2025 ID:SMART Workshop announcement |
15:30 | Fingerfood |
Generell können Sie sich bis zum Veranstaltungstag anmelden. Stichtag für eine Anmeldung zum Frühbucherrabatt ist der 09.02.2025, danach gilt der normale Teilnehmerbetrag. Um den Workshop optimal vorbereiten zu können bitten wir Sie, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch zu machen. Für Schüler, Auszubildende und Studenten können Sonderkonditionen eingeräumt werden.
Bei Anmeldung ... | bis zum Stichtag | nach dem Stichtag |
Teilnahmegebühr des Workshops | 590,00 € | 640,00 € |
für Inhaber eines CAST-Leistungspaketes | 450,00 € | 500,00 € |
Behörden | 250,00 € | 300,00 € |
Studierende | 100,00 € | 100,00 € |
Alle Preise inkl. 7% MwSt.
Informationen zum CAST Leistungspaket finden Sie hier.
Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Members of the ID:Smart
Programme Committee
Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230
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