ID:SMART 2025 Konferenz

Termin: 19.-20.02.2025
Dauer: 09:30-15:30
Ort: Fraunhofer SIT
Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

ID:SMART Workshop is an annual face-to-face conference that fosters networking and technical updates within the European community of electronic identities, wallets, smart cards and hardware security modules (HSMs). Previously known as Smartcard-Workshop, it has been the reference event for hands-on researchers, standardization group members, decision-makers and experts from companies and government administration since 1991.

The 2025 ID:SMART edition will be held on 19-20 February, 2025 in Darmstadt, Germany. Conference language will be English, including all presentations.

Contributions shall address innovations, regulations, standards, certifications or implementations regarding electronic identities for connected devices and individuals, focusing on application-related or foundational topics and research, such as:

  • All aspects of digital identity lifecycles
  • Technologies and industry best practices covering cryptography as PQC, hybridization, compliance and interoperability testing, evaluation and certification
  • Identity technologies such as travel and ID-documents, wallets, qualified electronic attestation of attributes, identity proof etc.
  • Use-cases covering consumers and industries such as Secure IoT, Automation, Healthcare, Mobility/Automotive, Government services and others.

The Workshop Programme Committee introduces itself...


[Logo] SRC   [Logo] IBS   [Logo] secunet   [Logo] TeleTrusT Partnerveranstaltung

Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt

Informationen und Kontakt

Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Members of the ID:Smart
Programme Committee


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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