Biometrics - BIOSIG2012

Termin: 06.-07.09.2012
Dauer: 10:00/09:00-17:00
Ort: Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt
Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt


Thursday, September 6
Fares Rahmun
Fares Rahmun
Oliver Bausinger
Oliver Bausinger
Experiences from the first year of EU-VIS
  • Biometrics
  • Fingerprints
  • VIS
  • Europe
  • Visa Information System
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Michael Schwaiger
Michael Schwaiger
Peter Kneidinger
Austrian Ministry for Foreign and International Affairs
Peter Kneidinger
Evaluation and Monitoring of Fingerprint Acquisitions for the European Visa Information System - Experiences from Austria
  • EU-VIS
  • Biometric Visa
  • Biometric Evaluation Authority
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation
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11:10 Break
Andreas Aabrandt
DTU Copenhagen
Andreas Aabrandt
Martin Olsen
DTU Copenhagen
A Topology based Approach to Categorization of Fingerprint Images
  • fingerprint
  • betti number
  • SIVV
  • categorization
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Daria La Rocca
University of Roma TRE
Daria La Rocca
EEG biometrics for individual recognition in resting state

In this paper EEG signals are employed for the purpose of automatic user recognition. Specifically the resting state with closed eyes acquisition protocol has been here used and deeply investigated by varying the employed electrodes configuration both in number and location for optimizing the recognition performance still guaranteeing sufficient user convenience. A database of 45 healthy subjects has been employed in the analysis. Autoregressive stochastic modeling and polynomial regression based classification has been applied to extracted brain rhythms in order to identify the most distinctive contributions of the different subbands in the recognition process. Our analysis has shown that significantly high recognition rates, up to 98.73%, can be achieved when using proper triplets of electrodes, which cannot be achieved by employing couple of electrodes, whereas sets of five electrodes in the central posterior region of the scalp can guarantee very high recognition performance while limiting user convenience.

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Johannes Merkle
Johannes Merkle
Multi-Modal and Multi-Instance Fusion for Biometric Cryptosystems
  • Biometric template protection
  • Biometric cryptosystems
  • Multi-biometric fusion
  • Fuzzy Commitment Scheme
  • Fuzzy Vault
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13:10 Break
Sandra Cremer
Telecom SudParis
Sandra Cremer
How a local quality measure can help improving iris recognition
  • iris recognition
  • quality
  • feature extraction
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Christian Rathgeb
University of Salzburg
Christian Rathgeb
Image metric-based biometric comparators: a supplement to feature vector-based Hamming distance?

In accordance with the ISO/IEC FDIS 19794-6 standard an iris-biometric fusion of image metric-based and Hamming distance (HD) comparison scores is presented. In order to demonstrate the applicability of a knowledge transfer from image quality assessment to iris recognition, diverse image quality metrics are applied to iris textures, i.e. query textures are interpreted as noisy representations of registered ones. Obtained scores are fused with traditional HD scores obtained from iris-codes generated by different feature extraction algorithms. Experimental evaluations on the CASIA-v3 iris database confirm the soundness of the proposed approach.

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15:20 Break
Srikanth Nadhamuni
Srikanth Nadhamuni
Progress of the Indian UID system

Aadhaar is a national ID project being implemented in India towards issuing a Unique number to all the 1.2billion Indian residents. Biometrics has played a key role in the Aadhaar (UID) system in India, in order to ensure uniqueness during enrolment as well as for authentication for applications that aim to improve service delivery of government benefit schemes. This talk will focus on the design of the enrolment and authentication biometric system. The results of accuracy analysis of the enrolment and authentication systems will be covered.

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Chris Stein
Hochschule Darmstadt
Chris Stein
Fingerphoto Recognition with Smartphone Cameras
  • Authentication
  • Biometrics
  • Cameras
  • Fingerphotos
  • Smartphones
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Opening Poster Session and Reception
  • Thomas Walther
  • Jan Vana
  • Shejin T
  • Liming Chen
  • Sum You Mok / Ajay Kuma
  • Seira Hidano
  • Abdel Ilah Salhi
  • Andreas Nautsch
  • Christophe Rosenberger
  • Kam Yuen Cheng / Ajay Kumar
  • Shigefumi Yamada
  • Isao Nakanishi
  • Kunal Goyal
  • Sanjoy Paul
  • Yufeng Zheng
  • Laurent El Shafey
  • Barry Guihen
  • Hanene Guesmi
  • Vincent Despiegel
18:00 Social Event: Dinner with Barbeque
Friday, September 7
Luuk Spreeuwers
Twente University
Luuk Spreeuwers
Evaluation of automatic face recognition for automatic border control on actual data recorded of travellers at Schiphol Airport
  • Face recognition
  • border control
  • evaluation
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Emma Johnson
University Kent
Exploiting Data-Rich Regions of Interest in Static Signature
  • Regions-of-interest
  • Static Signature
  • Signature Verificaton
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Romain Giot
Romain Giot
Analysis of the Acquisition Process for Keystroke Dynamics
  • keystroke dynamics
  • acquisition procedure
  • statistical analysis,
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10:30 Break
Mounim El Yacoubi
Telecom SudParis
Mounim El Yacoubi
Probabilistic Matching Pair Selection for SURF-based Person Re-identification
  • Person Re-Identification
  • SURF Matching
  • GMM Matching Pair Selection
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Olegs Nikisins
Olegs Nikisins
Local Binary Patterns and Neural Network based Technique for Robust Face Detection and Localization
  • face detection
  • face localization
  • Local Binary Patterns
  • Artificial Neural Network
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Ferdinand Hahmann
FH Kiel
Ferdinand Hahmann
Model Interpolation for Eye Localization Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
  • Object Localization
  • Eye Localization
  • Machine Learning
  • Generalized Hough Transform
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12:40 Break
Olga Kähm
Fraunhofer IGD
Olga Kähm
2D Face Liveness Detection: an Overview

Face recognition based on 2D images is a widely used biometric approach. This is mainly due to the simplicity and high usability of this approach. Nonetheless, those solutions are vulnerable to spoof attacks made by non-real faces. In order to identify malicious attacks on such biometric systems, 2D face liveness detection approaches are developed. In this work, face liveness detection approaches are categorized based on the type of liveness indicator used. This categorization helps understanding different spoof attacks scenarios and their relation to the developed solutions. A review of the latest works dealing with face liveness detection works is presented. A discussion is made to link the state of the art solutions with the presented categorization along with the available and possible future datasets. All that aim to provide a clear path for the future development of innovative face liveness detection solutions.

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Ivana Chingovska
Ivana Chingovska
On the Effectiveness of Local Binary Patterns in Face Anti-spoofing
  • spoofing-attack
  • Local Binary Patterns
  • counter-measures
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Sanjay G. Kanade
Telecom Sud Paris
A Novel Crypto-Biometric Scheme for Establishing Secure Communication Sessions Between Two Clients
  • session key
  • key sharing
  • secure key management
  • revocable/cancelable biometrics
  • crypto-biometrics keys
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15:20 Break
Didier Meuwly
Netherlands Forensic Institute
Didier Meuwly
Forensic Biometrics: From two Communities to One Discipline
  • forensic biometrics
  • individualisation
  • selection
  • identification
  • identity fraud
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Panel Discussion with chair Alexander Nouak
Fraunhofer IGD
Which services should the European Association for Biometrics (EAB) provide to the community

Vincent Despiegel, Safran Morpho

Raul Sanchez-Reillo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Andreas Wolf, Bundesdruckerei

Informationen und Kontakt

Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Christoph Busch
Tel.: +49 (0) 6151/155536
Fax: +49 (0) 6151/155499


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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