
Termin: 11.-12.09.2008
Dauer: 10:00/09:00-17:00
Ort: Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt
Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt


Donnerstag, 11.09.2008
Rasa Karbauskaite
Rasa Karbauskaite
Biometrics in Travel Documents

- European Border Management;

- Automated Border Crossing;

- Electronic Passports.

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Heinz-Dieter Meier
Heinz-Dieter Meier
Secure Border Control Processes

Travel facilities around Europe, illegal migrations and the threats of international terrorism are setting special challenges for border controls at the German airports. Border control forces have to face on the one hand to run a quick control process and on the other hand to ensure a safe identification of the controlled persons and their identification documents.

Therefore it's an important matter from the viewpoint of the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) that new technologies for the border control process are in development. The 3D Face project at the Berlin Airport seems to be a successful way to run a quicker and reliable border control process.

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11:10 Pause
Jean-Marc Suchier
Sagem Securite
Jean-Marc Suchier
Improving Border Control with 3D Face Recognition
  • 3D Face
  • facial recognition
  • passport control

The presentation will focus on the general review of the 3D face project status

  • Objectives
  • Current results in the labs
  • Tests on the fields
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Luuk Spreeuwers
University of Twente
Luuk Spreeuwers
Multi-view passive 3D face acquisition device
  • stereo vision
  • multi-view
  • 3D face recognition
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12:40 Pause
Jeroen Breebaart
Jeroen Breebaart
A reference architecture for biometric template protection based on pseudo identities
  • biometric template protection
  • biometric encryption
  • architectures
  • authentication
  • identity verification
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Xuebing Zhou
Fraunhofer IGD
Xuebing Zhou
A Novel Privacy Enhancing Algorithm for Biometric System

Biometrics provide the possibility of unique and convenient authentication. As its application areas grow rapidly, the problems, such as identity fraud and cross matching, threaten the security of biometric systems. Moreover, privacy concerns are associated with biometrics. In this paper we introduce privacy enhancing techniques for biometric systems, which can protect biometric information and enable using biometrics without exposure of privacy. A novel privacy enhancing algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is integrated in a 3D face recognition algorithm and tested using the FRGC database. By using the proposed algorithm, high security can be achieved as well as good verification performance.

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14:50 Pause
Farzin Deravi
University of Kent
Farzin Deravi
Performance Evaluation of Multibiometric Face Recognition Systems
  • Databases for 3D Face evaluations
  • Technology and scenario testing
  • Evaluation of multibiometric algorithms
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Björn Brecht
Björn Brecht
Next Generation Border Crossing: ePassports and Their Impact on Border Control
  • Biometrics has to be used as a tool to secure and facilitate Border Control
  • Processes need to be revied
  • Self-service applications become an option and mobile stations a standard
  • Only new, flexible, interoperable and standardized IT solutions will improve border control
  • Horizontal & vertical integration and interoperability are key issues
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Will Europe have 27 different Biometric Border Control Implementations?

Moderation: Klaus Keus (JRC IPSC)
Rasa Karbauskaite (Frontex)
Günter Schumacher (JRC IPSC)
Max Snijder (EBF)
Miguel Leitmann (Vison Box)

Freitag, 12.09.08
Bernd Kowalski
Federal Office for Information Security (Germany)
Bernd Kowalski
Common Identification and Authentication Framework for Europe
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Reinhard Posch
Federal Chancellary (Austria)
Reinhard Posch
A Federated Identity Management Architecture for Cross-Border Services in Europe
  • eID for eGovernment
  • interoperability
  • Austrian Citizen Card
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Mourad Faher
Gemalto S.A. (France)
Mourad Faher
prCEN/TS 15480-3
  • middeware
  • legacy
  • readers
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10:30 Pause
Hajo Bickenbach
2B-Advice (Germany)
Hajo Bickenbach
Identity Management for European health insurance processes
  • Electronification of the European Health Insurance Card
    • Functionality
    • Security
    • Usage Scenarios
  • Background processes
  • EESSI (electronic exchange of social security information)
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Jan Eichholz
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH (Germany)
Jan Eichholz
eVoting mit der European Citizen Card
  • eVoting
  • Europäische Bürgerkarte
  • Extended Access Control
Daniel Martínez
Agència Catalana de Certificació (Spain)
Daniel Martínez
An Identity Management architecture for public administrations in Spain
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12:30 Pause
Roel Peeters
K.U. Leuven (Belgium)
Roel Peeters
Cross-Context Delegation through Identity Federation
  • delegation
  • mandate
  • user-centric
  • transferable
  • corporate
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Detlef Hühnlein
secunet Security Networks AG (Germany)
Detlef Hühnlein
TLS-Federation - a secure and Relying-Party-friendly approach for Federated Identity Management
  • Abstract Model for Federated Identity Management
  • Discussion of existing examples
    • Liberty-Alliance-Profiles
    • WS-* / CardSpace
  • TLS-Federation - a more secure and easy to deploy alternative
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Jörg Schwenk
Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
Jörg Schwenk
Security aspects of CardSpace, SAML and other approaches for Federated Identity Management

Browser based security protocols heavily rely on the Same Origin Policy to protect sensitive data. However, there is no direct communication with the SSL protocol to verify the correctness of a domain name. We show to solutions how to achieve better security through better integration of both security blocks.

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15:00 Pause
Paneldiscussion with selected speakers
Identification and Authentication across Europe - Today, Tomorrow and Forever


Biosig 2008: Selbstbedienung an der Grenze
13.09.2008 heise online
CAST-Forum: Experten diskutieren biometrische Grenzkontrollen
07.09.2008 heise online

Informationen und Kontakt

Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Christoph Busch
Tel.: +49 (0) 6151/155536
Fax: +49 (0) 6151/155499


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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