BIOSIG 2009 - Biometrics and Electronic Signatures - Research and Applications

Termin: 17.-18.09.2009
Dauer: 10:00/09:00-17:00
Ort: Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5
64283 Darmstadt

Biometrics, electronic signatures and related techniques play a central role in the current identity management landscape as well as in emerging future scenarios. While there are already plenty of successful applications in which those techniques are used to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of entities, there are still many closely related areas which demand further research. In order to link practical experiences and requirements with academic innovations, the BIOSIG 2009 workshop focuses on Research and Applications in the area of Biometrics and Electronic Signatures.

[Logo] CAST e.V. [Logo] BSI [Logo] JRC [Logo] EBF [Logo] CASED [Logo] GI

The workshop is jointly organized by CAST, the German Federal Office for Information Security, the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Biometrics Forum (EBF), CASED and the expert group BIOSIG of the Gesellschaft für Informatik.
We invite stakeholder and technical experts from public administration, industry, science and academia to propose contributions to the program of the workshop. Submissions should be extended abstracts (3-4 pages) or full papers (max. 12 pages) in English. Submitted abstracts and papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and published within the conference proceedings, which are planned to appear in the GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI).

Call for Papers (PDF)

Diese Veranstaltung wird als Weiterbildung im Sinne der T.I.S.P.-Rezertifizierung anerkannt


BIOSIG 2009: Auf dem Weg zur zentralen biometrischen Bürgerdatenbank?
18.09.2009 heise online

Informationen und Kontakt

Wenn Sie noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Christoph Busch
Tel.: +49 (0) 6151/155536
Fax: +49 (0) 6151/155499


Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230



Rheinstraße 75
64295 Darmstadt

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