Nextron Systems, a German technology company, is at the forefront of providing innovative security solutions for Compromise Assessments. With a client base exceeding 500 enterprise customers and risk-conscious mid-sized businesses from over 30 countries, our cutting-edge scanning solutions, THOR and ASGARD, are trusted and recommended by security agencies. Security professionals and forensic analysts appreciate our tools for safeguarding their data and systems amidst a rapidly evolving threat landscape.

What sets Nextron Systems apart is its ability to detect Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), a capability often missed by other IT security solutions. Our distinctive Continuous Compromise Assessment approach identifies attempts of industrial espionage, ransom attacks, and other harmful hacking activities, providing businesses and the public sector with critical lead time to secure their digital assets before any damage occurs.

Nextron’s roots go back to the year 2012 when the THOR scanner was created by BSK Consulting GmbH and HvS Consulting AG. In April 2017 both companies decided to concentrate development of THOR along with the development of software for central scan control, remediation and analysis in a joint enterprise named Nextron Systems GmbH.


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hot topic "Kryptoagilität" 15.05.2025
MedCAST 25 - Sichere, digitale Transformation der Gesundheitswirtschaft 22.05.2025
KI und Cybersicherheit 03.07.2025
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24th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG 2025) 25.-26.09.2025
Quantentechnologie und Quantencomputer-resistente Sicherheit 23.10.2025
Cybersicherheit für den Mittelstand 20.11.2025
ID:SMART 2026 Konferenz 18.-19.02.2026

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Webpräsenz der Allianz für Cyber- Sicherheit Nationales Forschungs­zentrum für angewandte Cyber­sicher­heit ATHENE Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung Fraunhofer Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie Technische Universität Darmstadt Hochschule Darmstadt Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. IT4WORK - Kompetenznetz virtuelle Arbeitswelten Software-Cluster TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.