10:00 | |
Andreas Heinemann
Olaf Henniger
Fraunhofer Institute SIT (Moderation)
10:15 | |
Hagen Stübing
Adam Opel GmbH
Nobert Bißmeyer
Fraunhofer Institute SIT
Implementation of the simTD security architecture
simTD is the worldwide first field operational trial for car-to-x (C2X) technology that applies several hundred vehicles and roadside stations in a real-life environment in order to evaluate the entire spectrum of applications with regard to effects on traffic safety and traffic efficiency. For a comprehensive integration of security into the simTD architecture several challenges have to be met. It has to be examined which security standards can be deployed with the given architecture. Adaptations and further extensions of common standards are necessary in order to fit the security and privacy mechanisms into the entire C2X architecture. Furthermore the security mechanisms have to deal with hardware restrictions due to the high availability requirements and the restrictions in terms of costs and resources that are typical for automotive environments. Finally novel concepts have to be developed with regard to the scale factor of the large fleet consisting of vehicles and infrastructure. In this presentation we give a first glance on a near-series security architecture for C2X communications. We present the different concepts, protocols and cryptographic procedures used in simTD. Furthermore strategies to protect the driver's privacy based on pseudonyms are proposed.
CAST Members can download the documents here.
10:50 | |
Roland Rieke
Fraunhofer SIT
Identification of Security Requirements for Vehicular Communication Systems
CAST Members can download the documents here.
11:25 | Coffee break |
11:55 | |
Christophe Geuens
K.U. Leuven
Legal requirements on a secure on-board architecture
CAST Members can download the documents here.
12:30 | |
Marko Wolf
escrypt GmbH
Secure hardware architecture
CAST Members can download the documents here.
13:05 | Lunch break |
14:10 | |
Benjamin Weyl
BMW Group Research and Technology
Secure software architecture
CAST Members can download the documents here.
14:45 | |
Hendrik Schweppe
Secure on-board protocols
CAST Members can download the documents here.
15:20 | Coffee break |
15:50 | |
Ludovic Apvrille
Institut Télécom
Architecture and protocols verification and attack analysis
CAST Members can download the documents here.
16:25 | |
Andreas Fuchs
Fraunhofer Institute SIT
Towards Model-Driven Security Engineering
CAST Members can download the documents here.
If you have any questions please contact:
Olaf Henniger
Fraunhofer SIT
Email: Olaf.Henniger@sit.fraunhofer.de
Simone Zimmermann
Tel.: +49 6151 869-230
Email: simone.zimmermanncast-forum.de